<論文> The Foreign Language Anxiety of Japanese EFL Learners: Focusing on Anxiety When Speaking English MASUTANI, Yuka
<研究ノート> ライティング支援SAPP におけるチューターと相談者の発話分析 ―主体性・自律性を促す支援活動― 山下 美朋
Creating an Interactive Zoom English Class for University Students During COVID-19 and Students’ Reactions MAEKAWA, Yoko
Is an Impressive Background so Important to a CEO? Investigating the Discourse Structure of Personal Profiles in the Specific Business Field NISHINA, Yasunori
Teams とMoodle を活用したオンライン授業改善 安部 由美子
Preferences for Quasi-CLIL Exercises by First-Year EFL Kosen Students in Japan TAKAHASHI, Masayuki
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