1.文献輪読 (1月より輪読本が新しくなります) Early Language Learning and Teacher Education: International Research and Practice (Early Language Learning in School Contexts, 3) Subhan Zein, Sue Garton (eds)(2019) <Amazonリンク>
□1. Introduction to Early Language Learning and Teacher Education: International Research and Practice 担当:井狩幸男先生(大阪公立大学) □ 2. How Teachers of Young Learners of English are Educated in East and Southeast Asia: Research-Based Lessons 担当:斉藤倫子先生(関西学院大学)
2. ミニ講義 「役立つ脳教室」 担当:井狩幸男先生 (大阪公立大学)
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