- 発表ID: OP-31
- 氏名: 河合 剛(北海道大学)・大西 昭夫(株)VERSION2(賛助会員)
- 発表タイトル: Learning how to give presentations in online and in-person blended environments(オンラインと対人の混合環境におけるプレゼンテーション学習)
- 発表言語: 英語
- 発表要約: "109 college freshmen learning English language designed short talks, and practiced and improved them over a period of 11 weeks. Class met once a week for 90 minutes each.
Outside of class, learners individually used a web-based learning system to write presentation scripts, read them aloud, upload slides or photographs, and share them with the instructor, teaching assistants, and other learners. The instructor corrected the written scripts, and commented on the audio recordings (Kawai and Ohnishi, 2011).
Inside of class, learners practiced their presentations by engaging in pair work with their instructor, teaching assistants, and classmates (Lemov, 2010).
The cycle of outside and inside class practice was repeated for 11 weeks during which learners incrementally improved their presentations. At the end of the cycle, each learner gave their presentation in front of class.
Presentation skills improved in 3 areas: (a) spoken language such as voice loudness, prosody, and script memorization (Gilbert, 2005; Celce-Murcia et al 2010), (b) non-verbal behavior such as eye contact, facial expressions, hand and arm gestures, and body posture, and (c) visual aids such as slides and photographs.
Classroom time was used efficiently because the learners arrived at class prepared."