- 発表ID: OP-55
- 氏名: 川崎 眞理子(関西学院大学)
- 発表タイトル: A Comparison of the Decoding Skills of Grades 5 & 6 and Grades 8 & 9 Students: An Examination of Automaticity and Error Types(小学5,6年生と中学2,3年生のディコーディング能力の比較:自動性と誤読の検証)
- 発表言語: 英語
- 発表要約: As English orthography deviates from the ideal of regular letter-sound correspondence, decoding mastery takes longer. Under the controversy surrounding the English literacy education in elementary school, this research collected empirical data that may offer implications for this issue. Decoding automaticity and errors were compared between 5th and 6th graders and 8th and 9th graders. The participants named pseudowords containing vowel spellings (“ai,” “au,” “ou,” and “u”) before and after a decoding practice. During the practice, participants read words containing the same four vowel spellings, listened to the pronunciations, and repeated them. Automaticity of decoding is indicated by the coefficients of variation (CV) of latency. The CVs of latency were initially the same, though after the practice, that of the older group decreased. The decoding error rate was lower for the older group, and both groups improved their accuracy. Younger participants’ errors were sometimes unexplainable, while those of the older participants were largely attributable to romaji. Students seem to start applying romaji rules when reading English in junior high school. Decoding training seems to be more effective for students in Grades 8 and 9, although it may be ideal to introduce decoding rules before inappropriate decoding is automatized.