- 発表ID: OP-33
- 氏名: 染矢 正一(大分県立芸術文化短期大学)
- 発表タイトル: Teaching English with a Dash of Humor(英語の授業にユーモアを)
- 発表言語: 英語
- 発表要約: "Teaching English with a Dash of Humor
When people are relaxed, they can do things better than when they are tense. When students are at ease in class, they are able to gain more from their learning experience.
One of the best ways to make students feel at home is to employ humor. Humor serves as a lubricant in class between students and their teachers. My aim in this presentation is to shed some light on the use of humor in teaching materials.
Humor can be integrated into teaching materials from three aspects: Visual aids, audio materials, and vocabulary.
Humor can at times be skillfully woven into even Japanese traditional cultures. I would like to point this out by showing parts of a Shinto kagura, sacred music and dance performance.
Humor can also be incorporated into audio materials as well. Parts of the materials as such are to be introduced. They are based on the humorous experiences of the students who have done a homestay during their college days.
Lastly, I would like to touch on the fact that the English language contains a vast number of humorous expressions straddling all genres. They add spice to studying English."