- 発表ID: OP-54
- 氏名: 橋西 彩楓(神戸市外国語大学大学院生)
- 発表タイトル: The Challenges and Suitability of Task-based Language Teaching in Asian Contexts(アジアにおけるタスクを重視した言語教育の課題及び適合性)
- 発表言語: 英語
- 発表要約: This paper examines eight studies which report on implementation of task-based language teaching (TBLT) in language classrooms in primary, secondary and tertiary settings, and in four Asian locales: Hong Kong, mainland China, South Korea and Japan. The studies investigate teachers’ and students’ attitudes to TBLT, the potential problems and challenges faced by teachers, the effectiveness and suitability of TBLT. Inhibiting factors suggested by the studies include TBLT’s conflict with traditional educational norms; large class sizes; teachers’ lack of confidence, teaching expertise and knowledge of TBLT; an emphasis on direct grammar instruction and a preference for Presentation-Practice-Production (PPP) approach; students’ reluctance to participate in communicative activities and their low English proficiency; and a preference for a more exam-based syllabus. However, emerging evidence of successful implementation of TBLT indicates opportunities for further adoption of this approach in Asian English classrooms. The studies point to the richness of the communicative interactions generated in tasks, teachers’ and students’ positive attitude towards TBLT, and the positive effects of TBLT. At last, some useful suggestions are proposed, such as the need for adapting task-based teaching, the need for teacher training programs, and the need for teachers to consider alternative solutions for classroom management.