- 発表ID: OP-30
- 氏名: 小張 敬之(青山学院大学)
- 発表タイトル: The Effect of Blogging on Language Learners’ Improvement in English Proficiency(英語力向上のためのブログ活動の教育効果)
- 発表言語: 英語
- 発表要約: This paper reports on the use of blog activities to make CALL classes more dynamic and personalized for both teachers and learners. For this purpose, web-based resources with Web 2.0 tools and mobile computing technologies are integrated to promote collaborative learning activities. The goal of the study is to examine the effectiveness of blog activities in improving English language proficiency, including presentation skills with blogs. For this purpose, data from a recent empirical study will be presented, including results from the Computerized Assessment System for English Communication (CASEC) and English presentation, which show that students’ English proficiency improved after being exposed to learning English with blended learning. Our study revealed that the average CASEC scores improved significantly from 533 (SD=94) in April 2011 to 581 (SD=82) in January 2012. These differences in scores indicate that the utilization of a learning environment integrating m-learning and blog activities helped students to improve their overall English proficiency and English presentation.